Thursday, August 28, 2008

Introduction To Zooming Thru Life

by Paul M. Carhart

I think you can agree: We all live on-the-go lifestyles to one degree or another.

August, 2009 will see the release of my first nonfiction book, Zooming Thru Life: Creative Tips To Bring Sanity To Your On-The-Go Lifestyle (Blademaster Press), hereafter referred to as ZTL. In it, I share what I've learned about the increasingly common on-the-go lifestyle that I know I share with your readers.

Over a decade ago, as a “flakey artist” turned just-out-of-school Art Director, I had to come to terms with my new on-the-go lifestyle. As I climbed corporate ladders and traveled around the world, I discovered little truths that made things easier, more efficient or saved me time and/or money. These are the morsels that make up my book.

However, as I was writing ZTL, I came across other tidbits that were also worth sharing. Items that were more than what the tip-based format of the book would handle, yet too small to warrant a book or even a chapter of their own. And these chunks of wisdom just continued to come to me!

The final tip in ZTL is “Share What You Learn.” So, I took my own advice. Rather than let them fall by the wayside, I've compiled these nuggets into shorter stand-alone pieces. What better purpose for a blog?

So each week, dear readers, you will discover fresh ideas for making the most of your on-the-go lifestyle. Reader participation is always encouraged, so please leave your comments and questions. I'll be monitoring and am always delighted to respond to feedback.

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